Is Industrial Heat Carpet Bombing the LENR Community with “Vaporware” Patent Documents? Is Litigation their Only Business Idea?

[Read more here about the Woodford/Industrial Heat saga – And about the ridiculous $4 billion valuation of IH]

Also, I you missed it; Woodford Funds and Industrial Heat is having even more trouble on Guernsey in the quest to circumvent financial regulations.

[Woodford having trouble with their Guernsey setup – Industrial Heat stock suspended]

I received another anonymous batch of patent documents, supposedly originating from Industrial Heat. As with the last one I have no idea about validity or authenticity so I leave that to the reader to decide. Previous post: [Industrial Heat “Pump and Dump” Scheme?]

To me it looks like this is either simple “vaporware” to boost stock price and make it easier for the original share holders to make a nice profitable exit from this adventure, or maybe it is the core business strategy of Industrial Heat to cripple the LENR community in litigations by carpet bombing it with patent applications regardless of the validity.

Neither of these options seams very positive to me – but I guess this is simply business as usual for Cherokee Fund dudes like Tom Darden, Dewey Weaver et al.

Here are the docs anyway. Needless to say it certainly looks like these IH dudes are seriously inspired by Rossi and the E-Cat…


2 thoughts on “Is Industrial Heat Carpet Bombing the LENR Community with “Vaporware” Patent Documents? Is Litigation their Only Business Idea?

  1. IH is a known patent troll entity, their MO is to offer researchers in the field a tiny pittance as well as stock in their group, in exchange, they want the IP generated. Unfortunately researchers in the field are so under-capitalized that they accept this horrible deal. Until VC groups that have been on the sidelines (and many are keeping a very close eye on this field) decide to pony up cash, those willing to take the risk will reap all the rewards created by hardworking scientists.

  2. what caused the Woodford and Heat Funds to experience greater difficulties with Guernsey in an effort to avoid financial regulations? thanks

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