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Must read to get the complete picture of the event. And here is the link to the presentation. And a link to the Gullström slides: And the presentation:
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Must read to get the complete picture of the event. And here is the link to the presentation. And a link to the Gullström slides: And the presentation:
A comment about the astroturfing going on. Since the low costs involved and since there is an enormous potential upside present for some entities I believe it is a very safe bet it is happening. The Academics, primarily the hot … Continue reading
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Made the ECW-reporter present at the demo. The summary: He means that the now officially calculated result from the test, a COP of 506.66 should be enough to show the public what the ECat-QX can offer. And a one of … Continue reading
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— Update 26 Nov — A comment about astroturfing. Since the low costs involved and since there is an enormous potential upside present for some entities I believe it is a very safe bet it is happening. The Academics, primarily … Continue reading
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Probably write more later. Here are some initial pictures from the demo at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) in Stockholm. According to measurements made by Mr Hurley a COP of 244 was achieved with power applied 3/7 … Continue reading
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There is an excellent summary on ECatWorld.org covering the essentials of the E-Cat QX test of tomorrow Novembor 24. A video stream of the event will be available on ECAT.COM later during the day (~ at noon Miami time) Some … Continue reading
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I find this comment from a few days ago made by Rossi very interesting since it explains the whole IH-Rossi-saga of the last 18 months or so. It also fits my analysis of april 2016 perfectly. http://www.sifferkoll.se/the-rossi-vs-darden-lenr-saga-is-it-possible-that-they-both-are-telling-the-truth/ http://www.sifferkoll.se/rossi-vs-snakes-a-superior-man-vs-inferior-people-an-athlete-vs-envy-hate/ http://www.sifferkoll.se/the-rossi-vs-darden-lenr-ecat-battle-not-about-ip-and-money-all-about-freedom-vs-control/ The … Continue reading
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It has been a while since I made a comment on the oil price. Recently there has been a rally from low 40’s in June to ~55 at the moment. So, who is buying? Well, it certainly is not the … Continue reading
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Banned again on the lenr-forum for answering one in an endless stream of accusations produced by the Rossi-hater in charge – MaryYugo. I have to admit that I have probably been pissing Eric off during the last couple of days … Continue reading
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It seems so. And this was before the settlement was public, when there was still hope of IH keeping some parts of the license and/or IP. Here are some screenshots published by user “Ahlfors” on Lenr-forum pointing i that direction. … Continue reading
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Update 18/7 Wow. Had a look at lenr-forum. If you want to see what happens to trolls in sunlight, you should have a look at @sigmoidal, @jed_rothwell, @ericwalker, @maryyugo, @shaneD et al vomiting all over their keyboards. Ouch 🙂 A … Continue reading
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— Update 18/7 — Oops. Seems my predictions were a little off. Please read Mats Lewan Interview of Rossi and the full settlement, including hilarious notes on the so called “experts” Smith and Murray 🙂 Brilliant. Rossi got everything back … Continue reading
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UPDATE 10/7 It seems that Eric is a believer of some obscure religious sect (an islam offspring called Bahia). And since before we know that Abd is a islam convert… Is it a sign that LENR critics and pseudo sceptics … Continue reading
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UPDATE 5/7 – Huge success for Rossi E-Cat/QuarkX technology Game is over… Rossi and IH settled in court. Everybody smiling. Maybe a win-win deal made. Huge success for Rossi E-Cat and QuarkX technology. ——————— No other person has the … Continue reading
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UPDATE 5/7 – Huge success for Rossi E-Cat/QuarkX technology Game is over… Rossi and IH settled in court. Everybody smiling. Maybe a win-win deal made. Huge success for Rossi E-Cat and QuarkX technology. ——————— (New post, July 7) Who is … Continue reading