Again I have been browsing thru the goldmine of old Weaver comments. It is striking to see that PR strategy is so clearly to drown the enemy in FUD without regarding the inconsisitencies.
First a sequence of comments that shows the initial strategy; not attacking the MW performance, but discrediting the quarkX. Some hints about “busted” but nothing about a total fraud. The explaination is of course that this was before the complaint. IH strategy was still to keep Rossi in a NDA leash, but they were certainly worried about not getting the quarkX IP before the $89M payment was due.
The trouble Weaver is anticipating is that, since they did not plan to pay, they would not recieve further important IP, which more or less makes the old IP worthless … See where I’m getting at.
You need to continue with your analysis. There were not any heat exchangers anywhere and temps inside that building would have cooked a human to medium rare in short order.
Amazing, isn’t it?
Remember; thumb rule for sauna design is 1kW per cubic metre of WELL INSULATED sauna (no windows, closed doors, etc). The factory was probably 5-6000 m³ … so it would not be very hot at all, most heat would simply dissipate thru the simple roof into the outdoor Florida space …
Mr. Weavers comments says more about the American education system than solving any LENR issue.